General functionalities
OG2 / 2018 Compliance - Standard information form for travel package contracts and separate supplier contracts
Document displayed on the check out page, which contains the regulations of the legislation in force regarding the guarantee of travel packages. The form informs website visitors about the organizer of the tourist package and its rights and obligations. The form is automatically generated and the displayed information can be edited. The display of the form is mandatory according to Government Ordinance No. 2/2018.
GDPR compliance
GDPR information regarding the data collected on the contact, request for offer, newsletter subscription, visitor account and check-out pages. Collection and display of Ip for contact and order forms. Automatically generated (editable) privacy policy and cookie policy pages. Possibility of Cookiebot integration for cookie management. SSL certificate included.
Contract with the traveler automatically pre-filled
This functionality takes the tourist's data from the check out page and displays them in the contract for the sale of tourist service packages
CRM mode
Tool designed to simplify the process of searching, bidding and booking existing tourist offers on the website, which also offers the possibility of counting and converting offer requests from the contact page, the application form, social media, email, telephone.
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with payment
with payment
Guest account
Agency clients can create their own accounts through which they can perform the following actions:
They can track their placed orders (changes made by the agent on the order will update in real time in the customer account)
I can pay the following installments I can download travel documents.
I can request the cancellation of the order
It is important because it simplifies the customer's interaction with the travel consultant.
General search field
Website visitors will find the desired offers much easier, as they can fill in the name of the country, destination or hotel they are interested in directly in this field.
Functionality integrated into the platform, the blog allows adding new texts or modifying existing ones so that the articles created are constantly updated. Published articles can be grouped into different categories. The blog is one of the most powerful promotion tools of the travel agency, being used as a means of communication, sharing and monetization of the website.
Basic offer categories
This functionality allows the selection and grouping of offers (hotels and circuits) on different themes: Easter, Christmas, Seniors, etc. It is very useful when you want to promote certain offers. It has its own fields where information relevant to search engines can be filled
with payment
with payment
Advanced offer categories
This functionality allows the selection and grouping of offers (hotels and circuits) on different themes: Easter, Christmas, Seniors, etc. with the possibility of restriction depending on the departure or check-in/check-out dates. In addition, this version allows the category of offers depending on the tour operator.
It is a very useful promotional tool as it allows the promotion of only certain offers depending on the departure days or the supplier.
with payment
with payment
Administration of search engine tabs
Facilitates the customization of the search engine by enabling/disabling, renaming existing tabs or adding new elements. It simplifies navigation among website pages and helps to customize the homepage.
The reviews that the agency receives from its clients can be displayed on the website. Testimonials are very important marketing tools because they can positively influence potential customers.
Adding to favorites
With functionality to send offers in the body of the email and download pdf.
Customized offer request form
Functionality that activates a form in the website header through which an offer can be requested. It is a way of interaction of the website with its visitors. It is also a way for potential clients to become real clients of the agency.
Mode of administration
The website has an administration panel that includes all the functionalities available in the chosen package. Depending on the package chosen, the administration panel contains certain sections with the help of which the website will be updated and customized.
Add your own basic offers
It allows the agency to present its own offers in a very simple way. Our own basic offers will be displayed in a separate section from the offers from suppliers.
with payment
with payment
Add your own advanced offers
They will be added in the same process as those of the suppliers and have structures specific to tourist packages of charters, circuits, individually, city-break with the status on request or available. The display of own offers is carried out in the same listing / hotel page as the offers from suppliers.
with payment
with payment
Display rates in Ron or / and Euro in the platform
This functionality allows setting the currency in which the tourist offers on the website will be expressed depending on the destinations (Euro, Ron).
It is very important that the offers integrated in the website are displayed in the correct currency.
This brings more security and confidence among potential customers.
Set request and display currency
If the supplier's offers are in euros, and the platform requests them in lei, the discrepancy can be eliminated, just by setting the correct currency for each destination. It is very important that the query of the supplier's system is done in the correct currency, otherwise the offers will not be able to be displayed on the website.
Setting the amount paid when paying by card
This functionality allows setting a partial amount that the customer wishes to pay via the online card payment method.
Deactivation of hotels taken from tour operators
This functionality allows hotels that do not have an offer to be deactivated from the platform, without deactivating the masters under which they are mapped.
Rates from the boxes on the homepage
This functionality allows the prices to be automatically retrieved from the boxes on the home page as searches are performed on that destination.
Design and user experience
Periodic UX audit of the platform with external specialists
2 UX audits implemented.
Setting logo, favicon and website colors
It offers the possibility of setting icons associated with the agency's brand. It allows changing the colors on the website at any time. Tools that help your website stand out.
Website Responsive
It allows the website to be displayed on several types of devices, of different sizes (mobile, tablet or desktop). Visitors get a quality experience, whether on desktop, mobile or tablet, helping to increase conversion rates.
Graphic Theme v1
It offers the possibility of choosing a platform design, with a 4-column display. Tool that helps the website stand out.
Graphic theme v2
It offers the possibility of choosing a platform design, with a 3-column display. Tool that helps the website stand out.
Video homepage
Video content helps to present the company's services in an attractive way.
Homepage banners
Allow the display on the homepage of various information relevant to the travel agency. When the visitor clicks on the banner, it can link to a specific page on the website.
Slideshow promotional banners
Allows the creation and display of a sequence of images on the homepage of the website.
Country pages (the functionality to display boxes on the homepage)
Once the country is added as an item in the website menu, visitors can choose destinations based on their country of origin. This functionality helps promote destinations by country. At the same time, it represents a differentiating element of the website.
with payment
Customize the homepage by setting 3 different types of banner sections
Allows the creation and display of multiple sections on the homepage. Title and description can be set for each section.
Classic grid – 3 banners in a row with the possibility to set image, text and rate from.
Configurable grid - from 1 to 4 banners per row with the possibility of setting image and text.
Grid box – from 1 to 4 boxes per row with the possibility of setting boxes with one or more elements (image, title, description, background).
Advanced configuration homepage sections
This functionality allows the organization of sections on the homepage of the website. They can be enabled/disabled, renamed or reordered. An important tool that quickly organizes and customizes the website homepage.
Editable menu
Items in this section can be renamed or disabled, filled with new items, or drop down lists created.
Basic DropDown Menu
Allows the creation of a simple list of links taken from the website, linked under a menu item. Simplifies navigation through website pages.
Advanced DropDown Menu
Custom list that appears when you mouse over a menu item and includes countries/cities/tour types/categories. Important from an SEO point of view because the secondary navigation links will be indexed as neighboring links of the current page.
with payment
Static pages
The platform allows the creation of pages where various information can be presented and add links to the offers integrated on the website. Legally relevant pages (contracts, terms and conditions, etc.) can also be created.
Page builder
It allows the creation of a responsive static page in a fast way, providing a number of predefined elements. These pages are useful because they create unique and original content on the website, which is very important from an SEO point of view.
Custom design
Implementation of the specifications received from a design firm for on-demand customization of the website. The website will have a unique design, created especially for the travel agency.
with payment
with payment
Search Engine Optimization functionalities
Periodic SEO audit of the platform with external specialists
3 SEO audits implemented.
Manual setting of SEO details (H1, meta title, description, keywords)
It offers the possibility of inserting SEO details on geography, tourism products, boxes, categories or even static pages (on pages where the content can be edited). A website must invest resources and time for optimization in order to positively influence the ranking of Google results. This is facilitated by setting the metas of each page in the website.
Automatic setting and modification of SEO details (H1, meta title, description, keywords)
It allows the creation of general rules, automatically applicable to all types of tourism and all destinations, thus facilitating work in the platform. The effort spent on setting meta tags (page descriptions) is considerably reduced, and the result will be a more visible website.
with payment
with payment
Redirect URLs
Provides the possibility of sending the value of a link to a new url address. Essential aspect for changing, removing or consolidating web pages and maintaining page rank value. Important functionality also when migrating the website to the TravelFuse platform. By setting redirects, the investment already made in SEO will not be lost.
Setting up canonical links
You can manually set canonical links for pages that are duplicated in the website. Or you can automatically set canonical on hotels, circuits, destinations.
Options for integrations web analytics services and 3rd party codes
Google Analytics
Free monitoring service offered by Google, which can be implemented on the website, based on a code. Google Analytics is mandatory for monitoring any type of website campaign, offering the possibility of analyzing targeted words, the time spent by visitors on the website, the number of pages visited, the bounce rate (rejection rate) and conversions.
Facebook Pixelcode
The campaign monitoring service offered by Facebook, which can be implemented based on a code. Pixelcode is required for those who want more profitable campaigns on Facebook.
Google Tag Manager
It helps to implement, edit and delete various tags used on the website, and can be added based on a script. GTM reduces the risk of tracking errors (following the activity of visitors on the website), increases page loading speed and helps with SEO.
External platform that helps to optimize the conversion rate on the site, which can be implemented based on a script. Provides tools to obtain visitor data to improve website and customer relations to drive sales.
External platform that helps to optimize the conversion rate on the site, which can be implemented based on a script.
It helps to get more conversions with the same traffic through testing, feedback, audience segmentation and personalization of marketing messages.
Talk – Chat
Free service used for customer support, which can be implemented based on a script. It simplifies the interaction with website visitors, and provides more confidence.
Google Analytics Ecommerce
Tracking service (following the activity of visitors on the website) intended for online stores that can be implemented based on a script. Establishes links between sales data and duration of sessions, traffic, profitability of landing pages, thus highlighting the performance of marketing campaigns
Cookie Bot
Possibility of Cookiebot integration to enable or disable cookies.
Google Remarketing
Form of online advertising that can be implemented based on a script. After visitors leave the agency's website, Google Remarketing will show them ads with the agency on any other website they visit.
2 Performer
External affiliate marketing platform that can be implemented based on a script. Offer unique affiliate links, published on various sites or included in email campaigns and search listings.
Payment with MobilPay / PayU / EuPlătesc card
External application, which allows online card transactions, which can be implemented based on the access data of the merchant. This payment method is required in an online store.
Payment with holiday vouchers supported by the MobilPay / EuPlătesc card
External application enabling online holiday voucher card transactions that can be implemented based on merchant access data and approvals from existing voucher processors in the market. This payment method is necessary for an online store that wants to offer this possibility to its customers.
eTrip Agency
Software for managing reservations, invoicing, tourist documents and fiscal reports.
Integration Suppliers
Query b2bs in real time for rates and availability
When searching on search, the returned results are identical to those of the integrated providers, both for the rate and for the status of the offers. An online store constantly needs updated rates to offer real information to its users.
Mapped geography
Destinations are linked under a single name, thus avoiding their duplication in the search. Website users will be able to see the overview of all integrated providers, for each destination, under a single record.
Mapped hotels
Hotels are linked under a single name, thus avoiding their duplication in the result page. Website users will be able to view the rates of most integrated providers, for each hotel, under a single record.
Send reservation in b2b
By paying with the card or by accessing the Send to supplier button, all the details of the order made by the tourist will be automatically transmitted to the supplier's B2B. It simplifies the booking process, saving time and skipping offline steps for login, search, filling in data and sending.
Basic configuration of discounts, payment conditions and percentage and value cancellation conditions per supplier / tourism type
This functionality allows the setting of payment and cancellation conditions at a basic level, taking into account the supplier and the type of tourism. A basic level setting is important because providers do not fully send data regarding the conditions of products or travel packages.
Advanced configuration of discounts, payment conditions and cancellation conditions
- percentage and value discounts per supplier / type of tourism / destination / hotel
- payment conditions and cancellation conditions in percentage and value per supplier / type of tourism / destination
In order to provide website users with all the necessary information, it is recommended to present all the conditions related to the offers. Since the suppliers do not fully send data regarding the conditions of the products or tourist packages, the platform offers the possibility of individual management of this information.
with payment
with payment
Search engine configuration
Allows management of destinations and departure and return dates displayed in the search engine. It simplifies the customization of the search box, by presenting the information in the version desired by the agency.
Options to display and set information about destinations in the dedicated page
All information in one place
Show hotels or circuits without search or with search performed in the same page format. For both types of browsing the user can filter, sort or share. In addition, it has the sticky search engine that allows it to perform a search with minimal effort.
It offers the possibility of choosing a representative image for each individual destination. By publishing an image on the website, Google is allowed to find that image and add it to the image search index, keeping the link.
Manually set SEO details
Provides the ability to insert SEO details for each destination. Setting the meta tags (page descriptions) allows a better indexing of the content and implicitly, in a search by destination, the website can be positioned higher in the results.
Photo gallery
It offers the possibility of choosing a photo gallery for each individual destination. It brings high value content to the website.
Video gallery embedded
It offers the possibility of setting a promotional video for each individual destination.
It offers the possibility of inserting an original content for each individual destination. Original content is a method of differentiation that increases the chances of the website being viewed on Google search pages.
Tags (discount, special offers)
It offers the possibility of inserting a specific label on the representative image of each destination. It highlights the special, recommended and discounted offers that the agency wants to promote.
Display discount
The discounts included in the offers will be displayed distinctly when a search is made on the website. This tool helps visitors decide which holiday to book.
Display results in map format
The platform allows the insertion of a GOOGLE MAPS API code for positioning accommodation units on the map. It simplifies website navigation and quickly identifies accommodation units on the map.
Sort by price and name ascending / descending
The results displayed on the website can be sorted alphabetically or according to the tariff. Simplifies website navigation.
Filter by budget, city, number of stars, type of meal
The results displayed on the website will be able to be filtered according to certain criteria to quickly identify the right offer for each website visitor. It simplifies website navigation and can positively influence the purchase decision
Sort by tags
The results displayed on the website will be able to be sorted according to the set tags. It simplifies website navigation and positively influences the purchase decision.
Filter by tags, discount beaches, availability, facilities
The set tags will be displayed in the filter list and can be used to identify the right offer. It simplifies website navigation and quickly identifies the right offers for visitors.
Manage order and name filters
This functionality allows enabling/disabling, renaming or reordering filters. Tool for differentiation and personalization of the website.
Mapping table types
Table types of the same kind can be grouped under the same name. Filtering the list of results by table type becomes simpler
Asynchronous display of offers
Offers will be displayed gradually depending on the response received from the suppliers' systems. The page will reload as new results come in. It reduces the waiting time from when a search is initialized until the first result is displayed on the page.
Show and filter suppliers (administrators only)
Website administrators can view and filter offers by provider name. Website administrators will be able to quickly identify the integrated provider for each offer.
Common page for displaying individual stays and international hotels
The existing offers in the individual stays section will also be available in the international accommodation section. This is also true vice versa. Website visitors can compare several offers. This will help them choose the right offer faster.
Show rate per person
It allows to display the rates from the result page and the product page, at the value divided by the number of people existing in the search. Allows the user to see the lowest price per person of an offer.
Share on social networks
Functionality that allows displaying on the listing page only those social networks that the agency uses. With a simple click on the social network icon, the offer will be distributed. Social media promotion is becoming much more affordable and faster.
Options to display and set information about hotels and circuits
Photo gallery
It offers the possibility to view a photo gallery from the supplier on each individual tourist product.
It offers the possibility of viewing content from the provider.
Manually set SEO details
It offers the possibility of inserting SEO details for each tourist product. Setting the meta tags (page descriptions) allows a better indexing of the content and implicitly, when searching for the name of a hotel or a circuit, the website can be positioned higher in the results.
Labels (recommended, discount, special offers)
It offers the possibility of inserting specific labels on the representative image of each individual tourist product. The labels highlight the special, recommended and discounted offers that the agency wants to promote.
Modification of content from the supplier
Allows editing of information received from suppliers (descriptions and pictures). Original content is a method of differentiation that increases the chances of the website being viewed on Google search pages.
It allows viewing the facilities provided by the supplier for each tourist product.
Facilities with icons
Allows the insertion of a representative image for each individual facility. Improve website design.
Video gallery embedded
It offers the possibility of setting a video to promote tourist products. It brings high value content to the website.
Show location on Google Maps
The platform allows entering a GOOGLE MAPS API code for positioning accommodation units on the map.
Show Providers (administrators only)
Website administrators have the ability to view supplier names for offers that show up in a search.
Share on social networks
Functionality that allows displaying in the product page only those social networks that the agency uses. With a simple click on the icon of the social network, the tourist product will be distributed. Social media promotion happens quickly.
Change search from the hotel / circuit page
It offers the possibility of changing the search data and performing a new search at the hotel / circuit level. The values in the search fields are restricted for charters only with the combinations of departure city, departure dates and arrival dates related to the respective hotel.
Show correct included services for each package type
Similar offers
The user can continue browsing to another hotel using the similar offers section.
Cached displayed rates for stays and circuits
It offers the possibility of displaying "from" rates when accessing a destination/hotel/circuit page
Chart with comparative rates
The functionality allows to display a table highlighting prices over different periods, with the help of temporary storage of offers in our own cache. It is populated according to the searches that are performed in the platform.
Hosting / Maintenance / Updates / Support
Server space
Server space allocated to store offers, images or files specific to each online store.
1 Gb
3 Gb
5 Gb
Dedicated domain setup
The online store will operate on the web domain of the travel agency.
Setting up your own email
The platform allows setting an email in the administration module. Setting the email is very important because notifications from the platform will be sent from this email (reservations made on the website, confirmed orders, etc.).
Dedicated database
The online store has a separate and secure database. Maintenance and security for each database.
SSL certificate
Dedicated IP
The website will have a unique internet address. Unique internet address helps in better security and better indexing in search engines.
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with payment
One-to-one training (number of hours)
Email support (number of hours per month)
Telephone support (number of hours per month)
Optimization of existing functionalities and legal dpdv update
Maintenance (bugs)
Integrated suppliers
Through TravelFuse you quickly connect to the most important providers.